Sunday, May 26, 2024

NO SCREEN Time for Toddler? How I Accomplish It?

As the title suggests, I think you know what this post is all about. I did share what I did on my Instagram, but I didn’t have enough time to share here. Phew berhabuk jugak blog saya ni rupanya. Lama dah tak update!

Well, I got to say, I was busy with all the traveling part, Raya 2024, packing unpacking, and now I am back in Australia, again. It was a loonnnggggg story back in 2023. Let’s talk about that in another post. What I’m going to talk about now is, no screen time for toddler. Do you think it’s possible? ✊

Phew. Even myself thought it was impossible *blamed myself*

So, tahun lepas I challenge myself untuk restrict Adellia from having her screen time. It was because, I did a research and read the latest study paper conducted in 2023.

Why did I conduct that research and read that paper?

Well. Honestly, because I nampak Adellia was overwhelmed. And it causes myself feeling overwhelmed too.

How did I end up thinking about searching for studies on screen time among children?

It was very random. And of course the point is as above too.

I memang terus decide NO screen time for Adellia. I didn’t even restrict her phase by phase, but by restricting her 100% totally. Bila teringat balik waktu tu, memang…. Oh God, tak sanggupku ingat kembali ya.

Guys, it was not easy. I had a tough time for the first few days (honestly the first three days). But it gets better as time goes by (loved it!)


I was planning to bring Adellia out to distract her from TV. Masa ni I nak bagi dia lupakan Baby Shark dia. And at the same time, I want to buy coffee for myself. And suddenly I remembered yang ada lebihan magic sand beli untuk dia dulu. So balik dari beli coffee tu, I keluarkan magic sand tu and bagi dia main.

Masa ni memang nampak dia focus main la. Satu jam jugak dia focus je. Lupa sekejap baby shark dia.

Then, it was time for her nap time. So, I tidurkan dulu. Masa dia tidur ni, I was planning activities for her untuk D-1 tu. Antaranya, coloring, and dia banyak sambung main magic sand for D-1 ni.

Masih ada banyak lagi tantrum untuk D-1 ni sebab she requested few times to watch Baby Shark. Fuh. It was hard haha. Masa ni otak I berhubung dengan sangat laju ye. I tried to distract her A LOT.

Untuk D-1 ni tak banyak improvement sebab dia masih dalam fasa withdrawal syndrome. So tantrum dia sangat dahsyat ye hari pertama ni. I hampir give up tapi I kentalkan je la hati and pekakkan telinga 🀭


Start D-2 ni dah nampak ada la sikit improvement. Sebab I tidur lambat malam tu untuk plan activities for her. I siap buat research la malam tu and print banyak benda untuk prepare activities.

If you guys wonder what kind of activities you can plan for your little one, you guys can just google it and there are 1000 of activities there.

Antara aktiviti yang I plan untuk Adellia for D-2 ni:

- Fine motor skills bottle for toddler — toothpick & empty bottle

- Matching colors — colored paper & any colored toys (to match with the colored paper)

- Matching picture — print any pictures (car, fruits, alphabets, animals) for the toddler to match with the laminated picture

I have to admit that when you do these kinds of activities, you need to use a lot of energy. It also depends on what items you have at home. Kita memang lebih galakkan DIY sahaja barang dirumah, but it really depends on the availability itself. Macam kertas yang I guna semua memang ada dirumah, so memang senang. Kita tinggal print, laminate and prepare saja.

Ada benda yang memang kita kena beli juga. Contoh, pom pom balls, crayons, magic sand dan sebagainya. Kalau korang nak tahu mana I dapatkan semua items ni, I ada list dibawah ⬇️


D-3 is much better. Nampak Adellia sangat-sangat improving. Boleh kata tantrum dia reduced more than 50% jugak. Masa ni I dah happy sikit sebab rasa lega tu banyak juga la.

I still accompanying her during her playtime. Sebab masa ni kita kena guide dia apa nak buat dan sebagainya. I memang focus ke dia je untuk seminggu pertama tu. I ingat lagi yang I ada join training sebelum tu tapi nasib baik la training tu dah habis. Fuhh. Boleh la kita bagi 100% attention ke dia je.

I masih plan macam-macam aktiviti untuk dia for D-3 ni. Antaranya:

- Sprinkling paint — yang ni game macam kita main masa kecil-kecil tu. Tabur pasir berwarna ke drawing paper yang bergam

- Scissor skill — I ada beli scissor untuk latih motor skill dia. You only need paper & kid scissor. Bagus aktiviti ni

- Magnetic book — Ni alphabet book yang memang I dah beli lama dulu masa dia baby. She learned alphabets a lot from this book!

Best ye bila tengok anak focus dengan pelbagai aktiviti macam ni. Takde lah asyik screen time je kan. Dengan kita kita terikut busy macam dia pulak 🀭

I would highly suggest if you guys want to get your toddler “busy”, you boleh prepare all the activities by yourself.

Does Adellia still not have any screen time?

Well, I wouldn’t say yes. She is having her screen time in a day now. BUT, no longer for cartoons yang dia pernah tengok dulu. Like, Baby Shark, Cocomelon, etc. And screen time dia now is shorter than before. I restrict juga hari hari tu.

I dah tak bagi dia watch any of those shows. She only watches animals channel (monkey, chickens), Malay/English songs, cartoon movie ONLY (kung fu panda, moana, etc). Meaning, cartoon yang bukan berulang-ulang (I memang seriau betul hshshs)

Dia pun sendiri dah faham siap ada dialog dia kalau mak dia tak bagi tengok πŸ˜‚

She would say, “momma tak bagi tengok kan?”

I bet her papa always talk to her like that, lol.

Aiman sometimes asked me, bila I nak bagi dia tengok semula cartoon budak-budak tu. I didn’t give any answer. I cuma rasa when it is the right time.

So, what does Adellia do every day now? Does she always have activities planned for her?

Nope. I dah kurang sikit plan aktiviti untuk dia. Sebab sejak I restrict tu, she improved a lot. She can play by herself. Cuma biasa lah kadang tu dia nak kita layan dia. Sebab dia bosan kan.

Dia main masak-masak sendiri, dia kemas rumah sendiri, dia color sendiri. Hehe

How about her tantrums?

Her tantrums improved a lot. Now dah dekat 6 bulan ni, I can say… I dah tak ingat bila last dia tantrum πŸ€”

Kalau tak tu, dulu boleh kata setiap hari taw guys 😭

That’s why I decided to do this. I felt that all of these repetitive routines were overwhelming her. Dengan I sekali felt overwhelmed.

What website do you look at for those activities?

Kalau tak silap I, ada 2 websites yang I selalu refer for these activities.

1. Busy toddler ➡️ Click here

2. Kids activities blog ➡️ Click here

Can you list down all the items for the toddler?

Sure! Just click below to buy ⬇️

1. Pom pom activity

2. Washable crayons

3. Magnetic book

4. Magic/Kinetic sands

5. Busy book

6. Sprinkling paint

7. Scissor activity skill

8. Scratch art picture

9. Magnetic alphabet

10. Flash card reader

11. Handheld water game

Ada banyak lagi aktiviti lain yang I buat. Antaranya oobleck messy play, transferring rice from cup to cup, put coins inside the jar, origami, ribbon inside the bottle, fine motor skill using toothpick and many more.

It was a fun activity with your kid, but it really takes quite a bit of energy and time to plan and prepare everything. I'm trying to get back into the routine of preparing activities again, but I've been so busy with my own stuff 😭 — I need to find time to at least do one activity for her again.

Hope this post will help you guys a lot.

Thanks for reading this and stay tuned for my next post 🀍

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Unleashing the Joy of Involving Your Child More

Bila kita sebut tentang involve more, kita sebut tentang setiap perkara kita buat, kita pastikan anak ada.

House chores, cooking, reading, gardening, washing dishes, self-care routine, doing laundry and etc...

Lepas I baca satu buku parenting ni, I have decided to involve Adellia more into my daily routine. Apa saja I buat, I nak ajak Adellia.

After reading this book, I realized there are many things I've actually involved Adellia in without even realizing it. Antaranya, sikat rambut sendiri, brush teeth, pakai seluar sendiri, pakai spec mata sendiri, tolak trolley sendiri, wash hand, dan banyak lagi. I was feeling so happy that I involve my daughter dalam sedar tak sedar tu.

Now, setiap petang I akan make sure Adellia involve with nature more. I felt a bit sad that, after returning to Malaysia, I became lazy to take Adellia outside. I rasa... bersalah juga lah.

Padahal when she was a baby pun, kita bawak je Adellia keluar jalan-jalan. Even at Australia pun, every day we let her go outside. Orang sekarang call it healing (healing ke tu..). But now, with our new routine, I haven't continued it.

I think after few trials of involving her more, I can see few improvement.

What improvements have I noticed in Adellia?

1. Curious and excited

Her words would be like,

"Apa tu?"

"Mama, lizard sleep kan?"

"Mama, apa ni?" *sambil tunjuk dry leaf dekat floor*

2. Wanting to take part in every task

Macam ada satu masa tu, dia nak donut. So bila I menguli donut, I usually memang akan bagi dia uli sekali. Just bagi a small piece of dough and let her do her own magic.

Dekat sini best sebab I boleh nampak dia focus buat sesuatu tu. At the same time, she will observe my way. Cara I roll the wood untuk leperkan dough tu, cara I tekap bentuk untuk buat donut, cara I make sure donut tu bulat cantik..

When she watches us make donuts, she learns to observe and eventually tries making them herself.

3. Language and cognitive development

I ada perasan vocab Adellia improving a lot. She talks more and wanting to express what she feels.

Dekat rumah, I mix English and Malay a lot. So, she used both languages in her daily routine. Dekat school pulak, the teachers used English. Sometimes, at home, she will speak in english. Cuma bunyi pelat pelat itu normal untuk anak 2 tahun.

4. Developing life skills

Bila kita involve our child more, I perasan kita akan develop their life skills sekali. For example, cooking lunches, cleaning up, daily bath routine for future responsibilities.

These are all good skills to teach our children. They will learn to be independent in handling small tasks.

Contoh yang I selalu buat dekat Adellia, is washing hands. Dekat rumah, I akan letak kerusi dekat sink. And whenever she wants to wash her hands, she can just climb the chair and wash hands. Then, dia akan turun sendiri. Awal-awal dulu larat la lagi nak dukung dia. Sekarang, tidak lagi.

Another example, I let her climb the stairs on her own. At first, I was a bit worried. Our minds conjure up various scenes. However, I let her be and observe. Eventually, she starts climbing the stairs by herself. It's a good skill.

5. Motor skills

Adellia suka stickers, jadi I beli stickers banyak-banyak and biar dia main dengan stickers sampai puas. Petang pulak, I akan ajak dia watering the plants.

This everyday task will contribute to the development of fine and gross motor skills. Dia suka je, sebab boleh main air. Tapi tak kisah la, biar saja dia comot dan basah. Sebab ada masanya dia akan geli bila kasut/selipar dia basah. Dekat sini pentingnya grounding anak. I dah lama tak buat grounding, sampai dia jadi geli dengan selipar basah.

I selalu grounding dia dengan tumbuhan je (let her touch the plants, the woods, the rocks) tapi I jarang sangat biar dia berkaki ayam. I might need to take notes and check this off as one of my goals...

In that book, the author said, bila kita ajar anak, we have to use SHOW method.

S low

H ands

O mit

W ords

Avoid talking and show more. Rupanya bila kita ajar toddler, we don't use words. We teach them by observation. Lepas I dah tahu method ni, I akan tunjuk je without any words to Adellia. Toddlers learn more through observation. But, make sure we use slow hands movement. Moving your hands too quickly can make a toddler give up too soon.

Ini antara ilmu yang I dapat. You guys can learn and know more through this book. I really recommend parents to get this book. Kita bukan belajar tentang anak saja, tapi diri sendiri as a parent jugak. It's a good book.

Get this book here >> The Montessori Toddler

Kalau nak tahu apa lagi barang best, you guys can click at the above page -> MENU -> [MY LINKS]

I wish I know more. I suka sangat dengan semua ilmu tentang parenting ni. When I read parenting books, now I realize, there are actually many more things I need to know. It's not just about taking care of the child. It's about learning how to parent ;)

Monday, October 2, 2023

If I Were to Offer Advice to Mothers, What Would Be the Most Valuable Advice I Could Share With Them?

If someone comes to me and ask,

"Ryna, do you have any advice you could share with me about becoming a mother?"

Answering this question might pose a bit of a challenge for me.

Kalau dapat soalan macam ni, I'd rather answer this question with ibu-ibu wajib sangat bersedia waktu emergency kalau anak sakit. There are many things that must be present in the house, especially during emergencies.

I rasa bila jadi mak ni kan, you have to get ready all the time for emergencies when your child is sick.

You need to know what to do when your child has symptoms like fever, cough, flu, and others. You kena alert what is the border temperature when your child is having a fever. You have to know how to detect a fast breathing rate for a baby. You have to know what to do when your baby is having a flu and how to clear the mucus to let baby sleeps in peace. You have to know how to loose the baby's phlegm and ensure their breathing is normal.

It's a lot, isn't it?

Believe me, when you become a mother, you're essentially becoming a student all over again.

You never cease to learn, and every day brings new insights about human beings (baby). It's during these times that we truly appreciate the sacrifices our mothers made in the past.

So sebenarnya, apa benda yang wajib ibu-ibu ada dirumah to monitor their child's symptoms?

I strongly recommend including these items in the ESSENTIAL list of things mothers should have at home.

1. π‘»π’‰π’†π’“π’Žπ’π’Žπ’†π’•π’†π’“

Sebelum Adellia lahir dulu, memang I dah beli siap-siap thermometer and letak dekat tempat yang senang kita capai. I memang include thermometer siap-siap dalam list barang-barang baby. We never know what happen in the future. If the child is unwell, we won't panic to rush to the clinic and can monitor them at home first.

Temperature > 37.5° = fever

2. π‘·π’‚π’“π’‚π’„π’†π’•π’‚π’Žπ’π’

Ubat demam ni macam benda yang wajib ada dirumah. Detect je temperature more than 37.5° terus boleh administer PCM. Continue monitor your child's temperature. Every 4-6 hours boleh keep administer paracetamol if temperature spike again. In the meantime, tepek koolfever dekat tempat generate heat (ketiak, dahi, celah peha & lengan).

If the child continues to have a fever for more than three days, it's crucial to promptly go to the clinic.

3. 𝑡𝒂𝒔𝒂𝒍 π‘Ίπ’‘π’“π’‚π’š

Bila anak flu, masa ni anak akan cranky because they are having a difficulty in breathing. Runny/blocked nose akan buat anak tak selesa. Masa ni memang kena ada ilmu guna nasal spray to clear the mucus.

As long as there's a lot of mucus in the child's nose, they will remain cranky and have difficulty sleeping. After you clear the mucus, it's a relief to see the child can sleep comfortably.

4. π‘΅π’†π’ƒπ’–π’π’Šπ’›π’†π’“ π‘΄π’‚π’„π’‰π’Šπ’π’†

If you have extra money, consider investing in a nebulizer machine. It can save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

Kenapa I cakap macam ni?

Because when a child has excessive phlegm, it can disrupt their breathing. If you notice rapid breathing during such times, it's crucial to promptly visit the clinic to have your child nebulized.

Usually one session of gas will costs you around RM40-RM80. If your child needs to be nebulized for a few sessions, it will cost you more money.

I memang standby nebulizer machine dekat rumah sebab sangat berguna waktu emergency kalau Adellia batuk. Liquid for nebulizer boleh je beli dekat pharmacy berdekatan. I akan standby liquid ni dalam kuantiti yang banyak. Sehari we can use up to 3 pumps to a child. Kalau teruk sangat, boleh on nebulize setiap 6 jam.

Dekat sini pun, you have to monitor your child. If lepas neb pun masih lagi tak improve their breathing, segeralah ke klinik/hospital berdekatan.

Before I bought nebulizer machine ni, everytime Adellia had rapid breathing je, memang I terus ke emergency di hospital untuk ambil gas. Sebab zaman COVID dulu dah tak provide neb dekat klinik biasa, so we had to go to hospital to get the neb. Kalau dah masuk hospital ni, memang Doctor akan monitor and decide whether boleh balik monitor dirumah atau needs to be admitted.

Sebab tu I rasa nebulizer machine ni antara alat yang patut ada dirumah everytime anak kecil batuk. We can do an emergency treatment at home while monitoring. If symptoms persist, then immediately go to the hospital.

5. π‘²π’π’π’˜π’π’†π’…π’ˆπ’†

For this one, not related to any items. It is solely the knowledge.

Knowledge of what? Of knowing how to handle a child.

Sejak I jadi ibu ni kan, I rasa banyak sangat ilmu baru yang I belajar. This is all coming back to above sentence yang I cakap, when you become a mother, you're essentially becoming a student all over again.

Banyak sangat ilmu yang kita kena tahu. You will never stop learning if you are a mother.

Knowledge masa anak sakit pun sangat-sangat lah penting how you handle it. It is crucial untuk tak berada dalam keadaan "terlambat". It is crucial untuk tahu nak kena buat apa kalau anak sakit macam ini atau itu. It is crucial untuk tahu how to manage their emotion when they are sick. Dan banyak lagi "it is crucial"...

We need to acquire knowledge in various areas to ensure that what we are doing is right.

It all comes back to this advice if someone comes to me and ask this question. Bagi I, sangat lah penting untuk get ready during emergency situation. Cara kita handle our emotion pun penting. Physical and mental being seorang ibu pun sangat lah penting. Ibu-ibu ni tak boleh sakit ye. Sebab kalau ibu sakit, siapa nak jaga anak yang sakit tu. Kita ni kena ready 24/7. Penat kan dengar? Hewhewe

I akan jawab soalan ini with all of the above information if ada orang tanya I soalan ni. Sebab I tahu the anxiety of not being prepared.

As time goes by, I've learned to always be prepared for the rain.

So, if someone comes up to you and asks this question, what would your response be?

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

How Did I Potty Train Adellia Before She Turned 2-Years Old?

Hello! I'm thrilled to be back on my blog. I've really missed the joy of typing and writing. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to blog properly since my time in Australia. Life was quite busy there, and now I've returned to Malaysia. It's incredible how quickly three months have passed since my return! Time certainly flies.

Ok as you guys read the title, I nak share how I potty train Adellia before she turned 2-years old officially.

I KNOW. This post gonna be long long!

As I have shared some of the tips in my IG stories (Insta stories), I train Adellia di Australia. My goal was to successfully potty train her before I returned to Malaysia. Masa tu ada lagi sebulan before I go back. So I was sooo excited untuk try potty train dia before she reach 2-years old.

Honestly, I didn't put much expectation sebab I cuma nak cuba je. If she can't take it, then I plan untuk cuba lagi sampai dia boleh.


We went to Kmart that day and I randomly said to Aiman, let's find toilet training seat for Adellia. Lepas beli tu, I randomly cuba potty train dia esok harinya. Masa ni, niat I memang nak tengok dia boleh ke tak.


After mandi pagi tu, I tak pakaikan pampers. I cuma pakaikan seluar and remind her few times,

"Adellia, if you want to pee, you let mama know"

"Adellia, nak kencing tak?"

"Adellia, macam mana cakap nak kencing? Camni... I want to pee. Nak kencing"

Malam pulak macam biasa pakaikan je pampers. Sebelum tidur, I akan ajar dia few times how to say when you want to pee.


Same thing happened. After mandi, just pakaikan seluar and no pampers.

And keep reminding her to tell me whenever she feels like peeing.

D-2 ni macam banyak sangat dia terbolos. Ada la dekat 4-5 kali. Padahal kita dah pesan setiap 10-30 minit. Tapi takpe, sebab anak baru je nak belajar. Dan kita jangan paksa atau expect dia boleh instantly.

So, everytime dia terkucil, I just keep reminding her,

"Lepasni nak kencing, you tell me ok?" sambil I lap and cuci tempat basah tu.

So masa ni memang penat sikit la. Sebab ada banyak seluar yang kita kena bilas and banyak tempat kena cuci haha!

Adellia pandai cakap nak berak if she wants to poo. So I tak kisah sangat about poo. She immediately say,

"Nak yak" if she had stomachache (nak berak)

So, every time potty train ni, bab poo memang on time je ke toilet. Cuma I lebih concern with peeing. So this potty train is actually to train her to pee in the toilet.


Day 3 ni dah nampak pattern Adellia improving. Siang ada terkucil lagi tapi less compared to day before. Yang paling terkejut, tidur malam dia tak kencing dalam pampers walaupun I pakaikan pampers untuk tidur malam.

I was shocked dia kejut I bangun pagi and said,

"Mama. Nak cing"

And I mamai sambil bangun cakap,

"Nak kencing? Kencing jee. Awak pakai pampers la Adellia"

Tapi walaupun I cakap macam tu, dia tak kencing dalam tu. So I bawak dia ke toilet untuk kencing.

Shocked jugak la masa ni.


Day-7 ni Adellia dah improve a lot dah. Disebabkan tidur malam dia langsung tak kencing dalam pampers dah, so I decide nap siang dia off diapers terus. I was trying and saja nak tengok macam mana.

But, dekat otak I dah decide, if she terkucil, then it's okay. Esok kita cuba lagi waktu nap.

So what happened is, nap siang tak kencing atas tilam. And tiada adegan terkucil atau kena bilas seluar dah.


Adellia totally off diapers on Day-9. I dah start tak pakaikan diapers langsung and she was improving a lot. Pandai cakap nak kencing dan nak berak dah. On time saja ke toilet.

Honestly, I ingatkan dia akan tak biasa bila tak pakai pampers. Ye lah kan, selama ni ada benda yang dia pakai and suddenly kosong macam tu, so I thought dia akan mintak untuk pakai.

But, luckily, she didn't. She just being ok and follow je lah apa mak dia buat.

I did not put much expectation. Sebab I decide to potty train her because she is able to express "nak yak" everytime she wants to poo (masa pakai pampers). So I thought to myself, "Apa kata kita cuba??"

And then, terjadilah random potty train ni.

Bila nampak she can get along with this, I terus decide untuk jadikan goal I dapat potty train dia before she turned 2-years old.

Alhamdulillah, she gets along really well.

What I can say, kencing atas katil itu biasa untuk kids. What you can do as their parents, always empty their bladder first before sleep. Masa awal tu ada jugak dia terkucil atas tilam, but I can say, sangatlah jarang. I rasa masa dalam sebulan pertama tu, ada la dalam 2 kali je dia terkucil. Bulan seterusnya, none.

Kalau Adellia rasa nak kencing lagi waktu tidur malam, she will awake me and say nak kencing. So kadang tu ada la dalam 3am I bangun untuk bawak dia ke toilet.

And the rest of it, usually waktu dia bangun tidur je dia akan empty her bladder. Which is 7am-8am.

Always reminding them the same words.

Teach them the words.

"Let me know if you want to pee"

"Macam mana cakap nak kencing? Macam ni... I want to pee. Nak kencing"

Ini ayat yang berpuluh kali I ucap waktu I potty train dia. Sampai berbuih mulut ni ahah.

Please expect your child will not understand it the first moment you remind them. You have to KEEP reminding them.

We are talking to a children, not adults.

And it's really important that you are not comparing your child to someone else's child. Expect every child's phase is different.

Yang paling penting I rasa, jangan put too much hope la kot. Just follow the flow and what your child is able to.

You know your child best. So you lebih tahu macam mana cara anak you handle their thing.

I hope that what I share here will be as helpful to you all as it has been to me. Thanks a lot for spending your time to read! :)

Monday, August 7, 2023

How to Apply for Australian Visa as a Tourist

Today's blog post will focus on the process of applying for an Australian tourist visa. I've received several inquiries from people asking about the steps to obtain a visa for entry into Australia. Hence, I thought of sharing the information here to help those who may be interested.

It's a very simple step and I thought of providing you guys the easiest and simplest explanation here.

Step 1: Determine the Visa Type:

Before you start the application process, you need to identify the right visa category for your visit. The most common type for visitors is the Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601) visa, which allows you to stay in Australia for up to 3 months. However, there are other options available depending on the purpose and duration of your visit, such as the Visitor Visa (subclass 600) for tourists which allows you to stay for up to 12 months.

Step 2: Gather the Required Documents:

Once you've determined the appropriate visa type, it's time to gather the necessary documents. Typically, you'll need:

Valid Passport: Ensure your passport has at least six months of validity remaining from the date you plan to enter Australia.

Visa Application Form: Fill out the application form online on the Australian Department of Home Affairs website. Provide accurate and truthful information.

Passport-Sized Photograph: Provide a recent photograph meeting the specified requirements.

Proof of Financial Capacity: Demonstrate that you have enough funds to cover your stay in Australia, such as bank statements, pay slips, or proof of sponsorship.

Travel Itinerary: Prepare a detailed itinerary outlining your intended activities and places you plan to visit during your stay.

Character Documents: Depending on your circumstances, you may need to provide police certificates or other character documents.

Health Insurance: Obtain adequate health insurance to cover any medical expenses during your stay in Australia.

Step 3: Submitting the Application:

Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, it's time to submit your application. You can follow these steps:

Create an ImmiAccount: Visit the Australian Department of Home Affairs website and create an ImmiAccount.

Fill out the Application Form: Log into your ImmiAccount and complete the online application form, providing all the requested information.

Attach Supporting Documents: Upload scanned copies of all the required documents to your application.

Pay the Application Fee: Pay the visa application fee, which varies depending on the visa subclass and your location.

Submit the Application: Double-check all the information and submit your application.

Step 4: Wait for the Visa Decision:

After submitting your application, the waiting game begins. The processing time varies depending on the visa subclass and other factors, so be patient. You can track the progress of your application through your ImmiAccount.

Step 5: Receive the Visa Grant:

Once your visa is granted, you'll receive a notification via email or through your ImmiAccount. Print a copy of the visa grant notice to carry with you when you travel to Australia.

Step 6: Arriving in Australia:

Pack your bags and get ready for an adventure! Jangan lupa untuk sentiasa alert dengan passport, visa grant notice for immigration officers. Walaupun sebenarnya they have records, it's better to prepare your documents.

Antara satu lagi benda yang wajib semua alert adalah, kenalpasti peraturan dan undang-undang negara tersebut. As of my experience, Australia adalah negara yang agak strict. Especially when it comes to driving law. So, better prepare awal and tahu apa kita patut tahu.

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